In literal meaning, feminism is political movement where people seek for equal intellectual responsibilities and rights for female population. It was only in late nineteenth century, right after the breakout of anti-slavery movement in United States, the women rights movement got evolved. Since then women right activists are actively participating in every political movements for equal rights. In any nations whether developing or developed ones if all the female population actively participates in every sector of development then developing rate would be double. There is no tool for effective development other than women empowerment. So, feminism is an important infrastructures of development. It is the political movement that are for everyone. Everyone can become the feminist belonging to any gender, population and religions.
Due to feminism, the women have gained equality, participate in elections and have been able to speak for their rights. The women liberation rights movements have helped in overall development of women capacity. Women who are educated have helped all round development of family as well as country. There is also increment of women leadership. The world has already seen the leadership of Margaret Thatcher in United Kingdom and nonviolence reform in political system of Myanmar by Aung San Suu Kyi. If all the women across the globe actively participates in the income generation then Gross National Product (GNP) of any nation will be double. The overall development of world is only possible if there is overall participation of women.

Sushmita Sapkota (JUNU)
But the word FEMINISM has always mispronounced as favoring a female population. I don’t see a feminism in providing a special reservation seats for female in public vehicles. There is no point in giving a 35% of reservation until a girl is not free from four walls of room. I don’t see a feminism in phrase “ladies first”. Why only we see men offering a seat in public vehicles to another person? It isn’t the half SHE population also responsible to help one another. In these responsibilities the female population are seen passive. “I am a girl, so, I have an easy path”, kind of mentality is only depriving female population from an equal intellectual responsibilities. Lastly, the woman should not be envious of another woman and should empower each other. If these deeply rooted loopholes of feminism are changed then only we can achieve the true essence of feminism.
Hence, Feminism is the world entire view which leads to the ideal development. For this you don’t have to be anti-man, anyone can be a feminist. The day when true essence of feminism is achieved only then ideal developed world is possible.
Sushmita Sapkota