TUG-OFF-WAR between Two Sovereign Nations
All of us know that there is consequences going on with Nepal and India, and China has been added as well. However, Nepal and India are mostly involved on these kinds of situation that innocent and earthquake victims have to face it. Based on recent scenerio of the Nepal, I have wrote some satire and funny tug off war between Nepal and China.

Bipin Aryal
Nepal: We are almost done with our Constitution process; soon we will have our Constitution made by our own people.
India: No, Do not finish the Constitution process yet!
Nepal: Why? It’s all over. Nepalese people cannot wait furthermore.
India: Wait until our Bihar’s (State of India) election end.
Nepal: This is our final moment we cannot wait any longer.
India: Don’t pass your Constitution, otherwise there will be consequences.
Nepal: We cannot wait any longer; it’s been almost 8 year we are trying to write our Constitution.
India: We will impose blockade in borders but we will tell the world that we didn’t do it, if you bring out your Constitution.
Nepal: We will not go back now. Sorry, here is our Constitution.
India: We don’t like your Constitutions.

Nepal: It’s not Indian Constitution, Its Nepal’s Constitution.
India: Our transits unofficial blockade will continue, unless you amend some points which we gave you.
Nepal: This is very unfair; these points are very unconstitutional, even your Constitution assembly won’t add it in your own Constitution.
India: Is that so?, we will make unrest in our border area on your side. We will make your Madheshi leader to support on us and block the border and you will suffer it, Nepal.
Nepal: Ok, we will go to China and the world for the help.
India: Do whatever you want. We will not open the border until you will amend Constitution.
Nepal: China HELP US! People will die from cold and hunger. Earthquake Victim are suffering and winter is coming.

China: Don’t worry we will help you. First sign some paper about trade we could do in future.
Nepal: Ok, we will soon. Help us first.
China: Sign the agreement so in future we could do trade for long time.
Nepal Bureaucrat: China don’t give commission, we don’t make any money from them. We couldn’t do corruption with China. They are not like India.
India: Try as much as you want Nepal, they cannot help you like we can. Your mountain is blocking China; our Commission is helping us winning this.
Nepal: Okay! Okay!! We will amend some point in our constitution but not all.
India: Then we will ease some border for some time.
This tug-off-war is still going on. Earthquake victim are dying from hunger, cold, floods, landslides. There are still no shelters for most victims. India’s so call Unofficial Blockade not only hampering Earthquake victim, they are also affecting hospital with basic medicine shortage, businesses etc.