Counterparts of responsibilities

Sushmita Sapkota (JUNU)
Marriage; it is a promising social act where the two persons meet, fall in love and decide to share their life living together. Life would be easier and peaceful if there is no such thing as marriage. But let’s not forget everyone need someone to hold each others back during old time and be cane if not able to walk properly during 60s’.
I really think marriage is biased regarding the part of role we stand for either being a bride and bride-groom. It is more difficult for woman, she have to give more sacrifices; have to leave her home and should live in husband home considering that this is the real home and should change the surname for rest of her life. When this spouse turns into parent; it is a mother who has to give a full stop in her career in order to stay at home and look after how little ones grow up? And become a full time house manager. I cannot imagine keeping myself in place of my mother. From early morning to late night she even doesn’t have a time to get a life on her own. she wakes up at 5 in the morning, prepares tea and wakes all three of us (me, brother and my sister), goes for walk and about 6, she returns and starts to prepare lunch. In the same time she manages to iron my dresses and clean the home.
Why is every time the woman, have to work harder than man? But you might say that nowadays men are also involved in this domestic work. I bet more than 85% of family, there is a mother as main supervisor to handle all the household things from husband business to children study; it is the mother who has to be part of it.
Let us not forget the added responsibility that Mother Nature has given to us. She has blessed us with the capability of bearing baby. By letting a small fetus to developed into baby in our womb for 9 months and surviving from pain and being patience to carry the bulky body and heavy stomach here and there. After 9 months finally baby takes birth to the world. As the baby gives birth all of a certain he/she is given a surname of his/her father. Why is it so? She is born in one family then why should she be responsible to take other family generation ahead?
Four years ago, my sister got married and she has two daughters now. I have seen how my sister is doing her work. She and her husband both are bankers and both of them have equal responsibility in jobs, which they are employed on. During the weekend, sister is the one who is surrounded by her daughters all the time and she becomes busy managing households and other stuffs on the holidays. She also deserves a quieter and peaceful time like her husband.
But let’s not forget either to address a nation or a planet we put Mother before the name. we call our Earth ‘MOTHER EARTH’, Because of this strongest rock floating in the space is being able to hold our responsibility and making environment suitable to live our life like our mothers. Then we female are the strongest one, but of course not in term of muscular power, but in terms of giving loves equally to everyone in a family. Female are the strongest one maybe that is why we have the added responsibilities than man.