Economic Blockade: A Nightmare Life in Nepal
“100th Day of Economic Blockade in Nepal made a Nightmare life to an individual. People of Nepal has so much patience to fight with this types of situation. No fuel, No Cooking Gas, difficult to get a seat in the micro bus.”
The never ending wait…why micro not even coming? I whispered to myself. As I turned around, there were 100 of people waiting for same micro to come. Oh! Wow, even in road I have 100 of competitors and among them will I be able to get into a micro? Nowadays, every morning I go through my horoscope and count that lucky-star, not in a hope that something great will happen today. I am counting it because I am trying out my luck whether I will get a seat today or not?
Today is 100th day of economic blockade. As I see around there are few vehicles running and most of it are private vehicles. This situation has reminded me of Isaac Asimov essay “A NIGHTMARE LIFE WITHOUT A FUEL.” Nightmare is no longer fictional it has come into a reality. I have never thought that I have so much of patience inside me. Patience for unsure things to happen. Patience of never ending wait for a micro.
Whenever anyone asks a question about an economic blockade to an authority, the reply is always so capricious. What is the reason behind an economic blockade? Do the protestors are fighting for their rights or they are just a mannequin piece controlling by foreign authorities. Why this situation is even created? So much of a question in single head.

Sushmita Sapkota (JUNU)
I see a micro, as I grab a breathe and I prepared myself to be ready to get into the micro. RNAC, SORHAKHUTTE, BALAJU as the conductor shouts a huge mass come running and get into it. And I also force myself to be a part of that mass and tried to get into it but I failed. Now another half an hour waits for next micro to come and I remember, I just had a lucky star in my horoscope today. There are lots of private vehicles running but I don’t have a dare to ask for a lift. Asking a lift will equivalent to risking myself. What if I get into a trouble? So I don’t have a choice other than to wait for a micro.
Finally I get into one. Such a tiring day. Beside me there was a tourist seating. She started to talk to me. She was Emily from England and I too introduced myself. “Economic blockade has stopped all the fuels supply in valley but why there is so much of a private vehicles running?” as Emily asked me. I couldn’t answered her. Really from where the private vehicle owner getting fuel? Country is suffering from a huge economic loss but we all are busy black-marketing. Isn’t it our fault instead of uniting and fighting against this hardship we all are busy complaining and black marketing? ‘Unity in power’ our mythical belief is nowhere to stand in current situation. Emily question has hit my mind so hard that I am viewing this economic blockade as our own fault. It’s a do or die time to come up with solution because millions of Nepalese lives are in risk.
Let’s not wait for some miracles to happen which will change the situation. Miracle will happen if we all are united. If we want a change be the change. It’s either to make our first move towards independency or to endanger our own identity as “NEPALI”.
Good to see people sharing their experiences on this matter. But you really should proofread your writing, there are a lot of small mistakes which I think is affecting your comprehensive attainable coherency.
For instance, "Unity in power?"
I feel that these things are straying your message.
But good job and keep blogging!